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Articles tagged with: the luxe list

Culinary Cultural Immersion a Foodie-Forward Travel Trend
February 21, 2017 – 7:48 am
Culinary Cultural Immersion a Foodie-Forward Travel Trend

[cincopa AsFA27dv89FH]::: Indigenous epicurean adventure escalates among ‘victual vacationers’ :::
Whether for adventure travel or more relaxing respites, travelers are increasingly seeking regionally-authentic itineraries that offer an intimate view of local cultures. In fact, reports show the …

Hair Havoc No More with Dr. Marder Scalp Therapy
February 21, 2017 – 1:34 am
Hair Havoc No More with Dr. Marder Scalp Therapy

[cincopa AsNA-79iNUO1]Winter weather, and the subsequent use of indoor heat to stay warm, can have an extreme drying effect on the skin — and this most certainly includes the scalp. For those who already suffer from sensitive …

Tasty Valentine’s Day Gifts with Direct-to-Door Delivery
February 2, 2017 – 3:15 am
Tasty Valentine’s Day Gifts with Direct-to-Door Delivery

[cincopa AcHA_19M2ziD]According to the National Confectioners Association (NCA), chocolate accounted for approximately 59 percent of U.S. candy retail sales for the six weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day in 2016. That’s a lot of sweet …

11 Endearing Valentine’s Day Gifts & Gets
February 2, 2017 – 2:35 am
11 Endearing Valentine’s Day Gifts & Gets

[cincopa AMJAy2921zE9]Looking for that perfect Valentine’s Day gift that’s sure to charm the loved ones in your life? With so many options to choose from, it can certainly be challenging to narrow down the field—potentially …

7 Reasons Dining at Marina Kitchen San Diego Is a Must-Do
February 2, 2017 – 1:38 am
7 Reasons Dining at Marina Kitchen San Diego Is a Must-Do

[cincopa AIGAm2d92fMV]Destination-driven gourmands will do well to visit Marina Kitchen restaurant ensconced in the San Diego Marriott Marquis hotel. This innovation-oriented eatery serves up classic Southern California dishes, but with its own distinctive, modern twist …

Oleum Vera Introduces DIY Organic Hair Care Kit
January 6, 2017 – 1:23 am
Oleum Vera Introduces DIY Organic Hair Care Kit

[cincopa AUKAC2dx91So]New to the beauty scene is Oleum Vera, a fresh new line of “Do-It-Yourself” organic and sustainability-minded beauty kits that allow you to create a customized hair care regimen using pure, organic essential oils …

How to Make Money on Healthy New Year’s Resolutions
December 21, 2016 – 9:46 pm
How to Make Money on Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

If you’ve made a New Year’s resolutions, apparently the odds are not in your favor of achieving it. Reports indicate that upwards 25 percent of people who make New Year’s resolutions will already have failed …

New Year, New You: 9 Ways to Start 2017 Right
December 21, 2016 – 9:09 pm
New Year, New You: 9 Ways to Start 2017 Right

[cincopa A8OAv1NR0V74]A fresh New Year is upon us and it’s time to recalibrate our self-care strategies to amp up our health, fitness and overall wellness in the months ahead. This is always a great time …

VARIDESK Standing Desk a Smart Wellness Solution
December 13, 2016 – 8:25 am
VARIDESK Standing Desk a Smart Wellness Solution

[cincopa AIGAY3NCYUx_]The pitfalls of sitting too much have been well-proven, with the gravely serious risks ranging from medical conditions like diabetes, heart disease and obesity to increased mortality rates.  Prolonged sedentary time is also associated …

Last Minute Holiday Gift Ideas
December 13, 2016 – 7:52 am
Last Minute Holiday Gift Ideas

[cincopa AwJAd19rYY47]Like untold millions of others, amid the rapidly approaching holiday you may be frantically trying to find that perfect gift for someone special but your mind is drawing a blank. This pressure is exponentially …

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