Travel Articles

Courtesy of The Biltmore Hotel
What do Oprah Winfrey, Magic Johnson, Presidents Clinton, Eisenhower and Joe Biden and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor have in common? They’ve all stayed at the historic Biltmore Hotel in …

As COVID-19 wreaks havoc across the globe, tourism-dependent regions are suffering exponentially. The continent of Africa is one glaring example, with South Africa propelled into the global top 10 for coronavirus infections, reportedly now surpassing …

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably started your Spring Break and even summer vacation planning to ensure availability for the desired away dates. It’s certainly never too soon to get yourself booked somewhere spectacular, …

Whether you’re planning to get you and yours out and about this holiday season, or are considering travel-oriented experiential gifts for another, I strongly suggest you turn attentions to America’s Southwest. With an abundance of …

If you’re looking forward to a fun-filled October, fall season or holiday getaway but haven’t decided on a destination, you should definitely consider a trip to Buena Park, California. It’s home to five of the …

With the likes of Mariah Carey and 50 Cent apparent fans of hostel travel—where low prices, shared accommodations and sociable common areas reign supreme—it’s no wonder that this hospitality category is going gangbusters. In fact, …

With July 29th having marked the 38th anniversary of the marriage between Princess Diana and Prince Charles, it’s a poignant reminder of how beloved “Princess Di” was in life and so remains in death. With …

I get so much joy in helping fellow travel-lovers solve annoying problems and otherwise make their travels easier and more enjoyable. Toward this end, I’m indelibly on the lookout for noteworthy innovations that can resolve …

With America having suffered a pretty harsh winter from coast to coast, would-be wanderers are rejoicing as the weather warms and vacation venues beckon with stellar offerings. In fact, industry growth this travel season is …

Whether for a stress-relieving holiday getaway or vacation in the New Year, or for experiential gift-giving targeted to those on your “nice list,” travel is top of mind for many this time of year. With …